
Ten Words... okay, more than ten

1. Life

2. Is

3. A

4. Wandering

5. Road

6. That

7. I

8. Can't

9. Freaking

10. Find

11. Anywhere

12. Because

13. Usually

14. If

15. You're

16. Lost

17. You're

18. Probably

19. On

20. The

21. Wrong

22. Road

23. Or

25. Not

26. At

27. All

28. And

29. I

30. Have

31. No

32. Freaking

33. Idea

34. What

35. Is

36. Going

37. On


39. HALP!

40. And you said I couldn't write poetry. I call it... the pointless list form. This is the new haiku.

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Wow, you really read all that? Danggg. Props! =]

Well, I see you've just had the imponderable joy of stumbling onto the blog of an 18-year-old girl who can't really describe herself in 500 words or less, such as in little text boxes like these. She didn't intend her blog to really become so much like her online diary (she was hoping it would have an interesting, helpful purpose to serve the world and all) but blogging is just kind of fun. This girl's a bit of an environmentalist and a full-tilt vegetarian, a bit of an artist who can't draw, a bit of a writer who can't find time to read, and a completely hopeless romantic. She enjoys white chocolate, coloring, wading in creeks, music, Doctor Who, and speaking in third-person when it's unnecessary like this.

Now go read the rest of the blog and meet her, if you like of course. :)