
À la claire fontaine

À la claire fontaine,
M'en allant promener
J'ai trouvé l'eau si belle
Que je m'y suis baigné

At the clear fountain,
While I was strolling by,
I found the water so nice
That I went in to bathe.

Il y a longtemps que je t'aime
Jamais je ne t'oublierai

So long I've been loving you,
I will never forget you.

Sous les feuilles d'un chêne,
Je me suis fait sécher
Sur la plus haute branche,
Un rossignol chantait

Under an oak tree,
I dried myself.
On the highest branch,
A nightingale was singing.

Il y a longtemps que je t'aime
Jamais je ne t'oublierai

So long I've been loving you,
I will never forget you.

Chante rossignol, chante,
Toi qui as le cœur gai
Tu as le cœur à rire,
Moi je l'ai à pleurer

Sing, nightingale, sing,
Your heart is so happy.
Your heart feels like laughing,
Mine feels like weeping.

Il y a longtemps que je t'aime
Jamais je ne t'oublierai

So long I've been loving you,
I will never forget you.

J'ai perdu mon amie,
Sans l'avoir mérité
Pour un bouquet de roses,
Que je lui refusai

I lost my beloved,
Without deserving it,
For a bunch of roses,
That I denied her.

Il y a longtemps que je t'aime
Jamais je ne t'oublierai

So long I've been loving you,
I will never forget you.

Je voudrais que la rose,
Fût encore au rosier
Et que ma douce amie
Fût encore à m'aimer

I wanted the rose
To be still on the bush,
And my sweet beloved
To be still loving me.

Il y a longtemps que je t'aime
Jamais je ne t'oublierai

So long I've been loving you,
I will never forget you.

A French song poorly translated by my friend and me, with help from our French teacher and of course, the internet.

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Wow, you really read all that? Danggg. Props! =]

Well, I see you've just had the imponderable joy of stumbling onto the blog of an 18-year-old girl who can't really describe herself in 500 words or less, such as in little text boxes like these. She didn't intend her blog to really become so much like her online diary (she was hoping it would have an interesting, helpful purpose to serve the world and all) but blogging is just kind of fun. This girl's a bit of an environmentalist and a full-tilt vegetarian, a bit of an artist who can't draw, a bit of a writer who can't find time to read, and a completely hopeless romantic. She enjoys white chocolate, coloring, wading in creeks, music, Doctor Who, and speaking in third-person when it's unnecessary like this.

Now go read the rest of the blog and meet her, if you like of course. :)